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The benefits of installing a water filtration system

Water filtration systems remove chemicals, bacteria, and other contaminants from water that comes out of the tap. Having around-the-clock access to clean, safe water for cooking, cleaning, and drinking is something that many of us expect without consideration, but tap water quality varies throughout the US. You can check the drinking water quality in your area on the Environmental Protection

Plumbing Tools Every Homeowner Should Have on Hand

Plumbing supplies aren’t only for professional plumbers. For homeowners, it’s definitely worth investing in a set of plumbing tools because over the years there will inevitably be some minor, easy-to-fix issues with the plumbing systems that can easily be fixed. Did you know that the average homeowner spends around $2,000 a year on home maintenance? Homeowners may be able to

How to unclog a sink in 5 easy steps

Homeowners can unclog sinks themselves with the right plumbing supplies. There are many things that cause clogged sinks – they’re a disruption, they’re unsightly, they can stain the sink, and they often come with unpleasant smells.  While there are serious clogs that will need a professional, most clogs can be fixed in five easy steps: Disconnect the sink stopper. The

Should you Have a Plumbing Inspection done Before Buying a Home?

Before buying a home in New Jersey, it’s essential to invest in a professional plumbing inspection. Unfortunately, unless you’re in the industry, when you view potential homes it’s impossible to know the state of the drains, the pipes, and the entire plumbing system in general. Having an inspection conducted by a professional will help you avoid risks, big expenses, and

5 Coolest Home Heating Controls for 2020

Home heating controls have advanced so much over the past decade, heating your home has never been easier. Smart thermostats can save you money, give you more control over the temperature in specific areas of your home, and you can activate them before you get home so the temperature will be just right upon your arrival. Here are five of

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